Saturday, 19 April 2014

Home-grown vegetables

This is my first post in this blog and as this blog is all about natural cooking, I want (rather insist) people to add magic to their food with home-grown vegetables.Nothing is more rewarding than growing your own vegetables. This blissful experience is not as hard as it seems to be, only a little time and care gives your food an unmatchable fresh taste. From growing herbs in pots to having a kitchen garden, growing vegetables is not limited to space. You can grow vegetables no matter how much space you have. It has been 2-3 years that we are growing our veggies at home. we have a kitchen garden, a terrace garden and we haven't left our pots either :). The joy of cooking with garden fresh veggies is really a bliss indeed! Learn through net , read books about it, get ideas from others and just get into it!

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