
Monday, 28 September 2015

Barbecue Vegetable Skewers

My love for vegetables is never-ending and this barbecue recipe has doubled it. Hi all, being super busy these days I am here with a big off and a little on. But I am really glad that we are still connected!! Having fun filled weekends with family is a celebration in itself and barbecuing together is a great way to celebrate!! This recipe is soo good that I could not click a good shot of it! The moment I get ready with the camera, I find an empty plate....haha!! Anyways, hope you will like the recipe too and will always cook the natural way!!

You need
500g Mushrooms
2 green bell peppers (cut into 1 inch pieces)
2 yellow bell peppers  (cut into 1 inch pieces)
2 red bell peppers  (cut into 1 inch pieces)
250g baby corns  (cut into 1 inch pieces)
3-4 onions (cut in big pieces)
250g tomatoes (cut in big pieces or use cherry tomatoes)

For Marinade
1/2 cup mint leaves
1/2 cup coriander leaves
1 teaspoon dried basil leaves
juice of 2 oranges
juice of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon mace powder
1 teaspoon cumin powder
1 teaspoon pepper powder
1 teaspoon salt (or more)

1. Blend together mint leaves and coriander leaves in orange and lemon juice.

2. In a large vessel, combined all the marinade ingredients and add the herbs blend.

3. Marinate the vegetables for an hour.

4. Thread the vegetables on skewers. For charcoal grill, set charcoal on medium-hot heat, arrange the vegetables skewers on grill rack , brush the left over marinade during the last 10 minutes and cook till charred. And for oven grill, set the grill at 180 C and cook the same way as directed above till done.

5. Serve with chutney or sauce of your choice!!

NOTE- If you wish, you can blanch ( first put them in boiling water and then in ice cold water) mushrooms before marinating to avoid any bacteria

Serves 6


  1. Love these deeelicous looking flavorful skewers. Hahaha, that photo clicking problem is the same everywhere. Glad you managed to click this picture. :)

  2. Healthy platter you made with a healthy style cooking

  3. Thats totally healthy!!thanks for sharing such a healthy dish!!

  4. I love this anytime. Looks so flavorful and healthy :-)

  5. I love this anytime. Looks so flavorful and healthy :-)
